Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Even Now!

As I prepare for another Sunday morning worship service, I began to think about whether or not the rest of the people who will be joining in worship this Sunday morning have begun to prepare. In my mind I hope they are, but I fear the reality is that most are caught up with the business of life and have yet to think about a worship service that is still 3 days away. I think we have it in our minds that it is the pastors and the "professional" ministers jobs to prepare the services, and the rest simply are just attenders. I feel the church has killed so much ministry here in America, because we believe that the ministers are those people who are hired by the church to preach and teach us how to live good lives. Then Monday through Saturday the non-ministers go about their lives as usual with no empowerment or expectancy to see God move in their lives. This seems to be so contrary from what we see in the Scriptures. Christ says to the woman at the well in John 4:23, "but an hour is coming, and NOW is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers." God desires us to worship Him in spirit, now, not just on Sundays, and He desires us to worship Him in His truth, now, not just when the pastor is preaching to us. So whatever expectancy we have on Sundays for God to lead us, teach, guide us, heal us, we should walk in that same expectancy day in and day out, even now!!! When we walk in this kind of daily worship it changes everything, it changes our Sunday mornings. Our Sundays then become a time of refreshment where as Paul says in Ephesians 4:12, a time of equipping for the work of service that the Father desires. When we walk in this kind of worship, and see ourselves, all of us, as ministers, we will then begin to see our friends, families, and communities being changed for the glory of Christ Jesus. I pray that we would begin to rid ourselves of the business of this life, and chase after the cross, not just on Sundays, but even now!

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